Book #1 from the series: Chronicles of Enigma

Chronicles of Enigma: Vol . 1 - Strange Creatures and Timeless Legends


99.9% of all species that ever existed are now extinct. Might some of these creatures still exist today? Could “monsters” like Bigfoot, Snallygaster, and the Mongolian Death Worm represent remnants of ancient, yet-to-be-found evolutionary branches? If so, how have they remained so elusive? Are there more strange creatures still awaiting discovery? Or are they already being found but written off as myths, their existence unverified beyond folklore or eyewitness accounts?

Chronicles of Enigma: Strange Creatures and Timeless Legends explores cryptids, both popular and obscure, including:

  • The Minerva Monster
  • The Almas Wild Men
  • Werewolves and Vampires
  • Chupacabra
  • The Dover Demon
  • The Mongolian Death Worm
  • Arkansas Gowrow
  • Gef the Talking Mongoose
  • The Jersey Devil
  • Snallygaster
  • Mothman
  • Cadborosaurus
  • The Dafara Creature
  • The Talking Beluga Whale
  • The Canvey Island Monster
  • The Loveland Frog
  • Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, Yeti, and more!

Some reports may seem outlandish, while others will leave you scratching your head. But regardless of your belief (or non-belief), remember that during the 1800’s, there were tales of giant dragons on a small island in Indonesia. Westerners couldn’t quit talking about them. Scientists scoffed. Merian C. Cooper wrote a classic book based on them (King Kong). Then, in 1910, a scientist captured one and returned it to New York City. The Komodo dragon was beyond what anyone could have imagined.

It’s played out time and time again. Only a century ago, witnesses arrived in England with reports of weird beavers with duck bills (platypus). Expeditions returned to France with tales of a giant human-like creature covered in hair (gorilla). Visitors to remote Oceania returned home giddy-eyed with stories of a giant rat-like creature with the arms of a man and the tail of a monkey (kangaroo). All were believed by scientists to be unreal—until they were proven to exist.

Praise for this book

The author has done an incredible job diving into the topics of both famous creatures like Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster, as well as lesser-known cryptids like the Gowrow and the Jersey Devil. Each chapter is like a mini-adventure of its own. It’s a delightful journey that gives you a full picture of these bizarre creatures.

It's not all crazed stories, either. The author balances a healthy dose of curiosity with a splash of common sense. You’ll find documented sightings and anecdotal tales sprinkled with scientific insights. It’s a captivating read that really gets those wheels turning in your head.

Whether you're a seasoned cryptid enthusiast or just dipping your toes into the waters, the author's descriptions make you feel like you're tagging along with the explorers and eyewitnesses themselves. Plus, the photographs, illustrations, and maps add some great visual spice, making it all the more enjoyable.